Instructions page Payment of assessment

  • This registration is only valid for online assessment payment.

  • Payments must be made before 03.00 pm on the 31st January, 30th April, 31st July and 31st October every year to get the 5% discount for quarterly payments.

  • A 10% discount is available if the assessment amount is paid in full before 31st January.

  • In order to get the relevant discount, the total amount shown in the amount to be paid column must be paid (including the number of cents).

  • Need to contact the bank to complete this payment.

  • You can pay for this through the card provided by your bank (Credit/Debit).

  • Enter card details
    • First select your card type and enter the 16-digit card number.
    • After that, the expiry date, name and the 3-digit code on the back of the card should be entered and the payment should be completed.

  • Then enter the confirmation code received on your phone and confirm the payment.

  • It is your responsibility to select the correct assessment number when making payment and it should be noted that Kalutara Municipality is not responsible if payment has been made to a different number.

  • The amount paid by you every day will be credited to the respective account on the following day.

I have read the above information and related instructions.